Laffansbridge, or more correctly, Graystown Castle, County Tipperary. It was misnamed in my file in May 1987.
The tower house was built on an impressive outcrop of limestone rock. One wall was intact and one wall was missing. Interesting remains of a, possibly later, house also within the bawn walls.
Evidence that a metal yett was used at the entrance door.
Not a lot remains of the possibly later fortified house within the bawn, although it still has a good corner bartizan.
From my notes: vault over second floor of which half remains. Very dramatic site on the edge of a limestone escarpment. Four floors in the tower house, space where spiral stairs was is evident. Fireplace on second floor. Prison chamber in vault haunch. Good garderobe chute on west wall. The bawn wall along the north boundary had suffered a recent collapse.
Two chambers on each floor of the tower. The secondary chambers on the north side, running EW with the spiral in the NE corner. Remains of some plaster. Guard room on right inside door.