Lisronagh Castle, County Tipperary, in June 1987.
The black paint/pitch down the side of the tower was also noted at one or two other tower houses in the area – as though someone had been testing the theory of pitch being thrown down on the enemy.
My notes state the following: near a church. Vault over first floor. One fireplace on second floor, on second floor on east side two corner loops have unusually deep embrasures surrounding them.
Straight mural stairs on west side continue to third floor and end in a blind mural passage at third floor level (garderobe?). Fourth floor has a fireplace and straight mural stairs up to roof (nearly inaccessible). Numerous loops and some unusual aumbries.
Attic storey over fourth floor difficult to work out, has some windows.
Good murder hole from first floor.
Entrance door case has signs of wear. Yett holes.
Many square and rectangular aumbries on ground floor. Good bolt hole for front door. Box machiolation over door on north wall. Possibly a small filled in garderobe chute on west side.
The pond down the field was said to be the one where Cromwell watered his horses before the Battle of Clonmel.