Corluddy Castle, County Kilkenny, in June 1990.
I quote from William Carrigan: History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory Vol IV page 161:
“The Castle of Curluddy was well and strongly built, and, though roofless, is fairly perfect. It is divided by two stone arches, one over the second storey, the other over the fourth. There are five storeys in all. A long, narrow passage in the thickness of the wall over the first stone arch is known as “Phil Harvey’s bed.” This castle belonged to the Grants till Cromwell’s time, when it was granted to one of the Usurper’s followers named Jackson. Its situation, not on level ground, but on the sloping side of a hill, is very unusual. There is no trace of any enclosing wall or fosse. The land all around Curluddy castle and street is hilly and rocky. The glen underneath the castle was a marsh in living memory; it is said that an arm of the Suir ran through it of old, though this statement appears to be incredible. There is a well near the castle called Tubberageelish.
The Irish sound of Curluddy is Curluddha. O’Donovan’s explanation of the name, i.e. Cor loda, round hill of the mire, is the only one forthcoming.”